Sunday, January 24, 2016

Hello class. My name is Jay Christman. I am a freshman here at the Woods. I am from Ashland, Missouri, about 25 miles East of here. I came to Woods for track, in addition to the small school atmosphere. I am a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity on campus. In high school I ran track, and also played soccer and basketball. Soccer has always been my favorite sport growing up, but due to injury I couldn't continue to play. I am a MIS major with a minor in business administration.

My top 3 favorite websites are definitely Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. I use Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date with what my friends and family are doing back home. I can also use them to stay up to date on sports, current events, etc. Both are extremely handy tools to stay in touch and up to date. I like YouTube for entertainment purposes. I can watch funny videos, sports moments, and music videos easily. If I am bored I can almost always get on YouTube and keep myself entertained for a while.


  1. I really like your about me post! I think you really got the hang of your blog! I do have a question as to if you had any sites that you frequent that aren't social media? Just a curiosity on my end. I've notice quite a few classmates used only social media and was wondering if that was really all their consistent usage of the internet! Good work regardless!

  2. The way you formatted your blog I think is very exceptional. I would suggest naming the post so we can click on the title and go directly to the post. But other then that great job.
