Sunday, January 24, 2016

YouTube Greeting

This article discusses 7 of the top uses for Wikis, which companies use wikis, in addition to how they benefit from them. This article talks about how Wikis have been beneficial and used for a while, but were brought in "under the radar". People are now starting to see the benefits and openly using them. The article states that in the software development world, some of the most common uses are

  • Developer networks
  • Managing software development
  • Technical documentation
  • Knowledge bases
  • Intranets & extranets
Wikis can be used for more than just a part of a companies developer network. They can be used for collaboration with customers, clients, managing projects.

IBM, Carbon Five, Sony, Red Ant, Sun Microsystems, Pixar, and SAP are all currently reaping the benefits of wikis. These are major companies that are doing this. Smaller companies will notice this, jump on the bandwagon, and start using them more themselves. 

This article made it clear how easy Wikis are to use, in addition to how they will continue to become even more useful. Wikis are going to continue to grow and be used more and more each day.

Hello class. My name is Jay Christman. I am a freshman here at the Woods. I am from Ashland, Missouri, about 25 miles East of here. I came to Woods for track, in addition to the small school atmosphere. I am a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity on campus. In high school I ran track, and also played soccer and basketball. Soccer has always been my favorite sport growing up, but due to injury I couldn't continue to play. I am a MIS major with a minor in business administration.

My top 3 favorite websites are definitely Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. I use Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date with what my friends and family are doing back home. I can also use them to stay up to date on sports, current events, etc. Both are extremely handy tools to stay in touch and up to date. I like YouTube for entertainment purposes. I can watch funny videos, sports moments, and music videos easily. If I am bored I can almost always get on YouTube and keep myself entertained for a while.